Our mission

King Manor Museum interprets founding father Rufus King’s political legacy and antislavery history to teach critical thinking for a healthier democracy.




We believe in the power of education. We educate on, and are inspired by, antislavery activist Rufus King and his contemporaries to promote social change in today's world.


We believe in the importance of researching and preserving the past in order to inform the present and future. We act to preserve and promote the legacy of Rufus King and his contemporaries, and to encourage the use of our resources in all aspects of learning, including in academia, by artists, young students, activists, etc.


We recognize that we are part of a group of key places in the Queens community. We understand the importance of collaborating with organizations in the community, and in listening to feedback from members of the community to better serve them.


We recognize the importance of acknowledging all voices, past and present. We are dedicated to connecting the principles of Rufus King to issues today, while simultaneously amplifying the voices of King’s contemporaries who have historically been silenced.

King Manor is Taking Action

In December of 2020, King Manor released a three-year Strategic Plan of goals and strategies toward a better fulfillment of our mission and values. Our goals include action steps to expand community connections, develop a more racially and culturally diverse staff and board, increase engagement with young people ages 13-20, and more. We invite you to read our plan and get involved through sponsorship, volunteering, membership, or even just coming by and seeing what we’re up to. We look forward to welcoming you, and thank you for your support!