FAQs & Policies
Yes, King Manor is open year round for rentals.
The maximum number of guests allowed in our indoor area (Dining room, Downstairs & Upstairs Main Hall, North Kitchen, Etc.) is 50 people*
The maximum number of guests allowed in the open house/lawn (All indoor locations & Backyard) is 200 people.
*Some events by their nature may necessitate a lower capacity. Contact Site Manager for additional details.
Yes, please contact us to set up a walkthrough of the site.
The minimum rental time is one hour.
No, King Manor is closed to the public during all rentals.
Yes, two accessible bathrooms are available on site. We do recommend that parties greater than 50 arrange for additional facilities.
Yes, parking can be arranged for up to 10 small vehicles. Please instruct all additional guests to park in the reasonably-priced, attended, indoor parking garage at the corner of 90th Avenue and Parsons Boulevard, within easy walking distance of the museum.
No, permits are not required for rentals. Renter must acquire permit for amplified sound.
Yes, certain areas of the Manor can be decorated under the supervision of a staff member. Please see our policies for additional information.
Only electric generators are permitted on site.
No, open flames are not permitted inside or on NYC Parks property, including candles, sparklers, lanterns, fireworks, etc.
Depending on the number of guests, one or more staff members may be on-site. King Manor staff are responsible for maintaining the security of the collections and the structure.
The museum may remove some furniture and collection objects from the event areas prior to the event. Museum property may not be moved, used, or touched, except by museum personnel or by special arrangement. The renter is liable for any damage associated with the event.
Under no circumstances are renters or vendors allowed to decorate any of the museum’s period rooms without approval from King Manor’s Executive Director.
No decorative objects can be taped, stapled, tacked, nailed, or glued to any interior or exterior surface (except for the museum’s back porch) of the building.
The renter will arrange to clean up the facilities after the event.
All personal items such as flower, food, drinks, decorations, etc. must be removed from the premises at the conclusion of the event.
A refundable security deposit must be paid before the starting date of the event. A non-refundable 25% deposit is required upon reservation of dates. Payment must be made in full one week before the event.
Yes, insurance is required. Please contact us for additional information.
• Guests are not permitted to enter rooms in the museum other than those predesignated by the renters and museum personnel.
• No open flames are permitted inside or on NYC Parks property, including candles, sparklers, lanterns, fireworks, etc.
• Smoking is not permitted anywhere within the museum or on the grounds. Food and drink are not permitted in the museum’s period rooms.
• Food and drink are not permitted in the museum’s period rooms.
• No hard liquor will be served at King Manor during this event. Wine/beer and water/soft drinks only.